Our Blog
Joynd’s Articles, Announcements, and Posts
Observations from our Newest Recruit – Britt Baxley
Editor’s Note: Britt Baxley joined our team a couple of months ago, and while he is new to Joynd, he arrived with a wealth of industry experience. He penned this post for his personal LinkedIn accou...
Meet our VP of Strategy and Growth Markets
Welcome to the second part of our series profiling people on the Joynd team (we are tentatively calling ourselves Joyndineers – what do you think?).. Damian joined us in the autumn of 2021; his ...
Get to know an Integration Services Specialist
The first in our series profiling the people of Joynd, meet Easton Korver. Easton, what do you do for your job? The best comparison I can think of is a Lego set designer. Sometimes the sets are simple...