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When to Get an Integration, and Why

This is the second installment of our FAQ series. For the full list of integration FAQs for HR professionals, check this out. If you’re an HR technology vendor, we have a customized list of FAQs for you here.

When would I consider getting an integration?

  • If you have invested in new HR technology solutions or have switched to a different technology vendor, this is a very common and opportune time to connect the new technology with your other tools.
  • If your company has grown to the point that you’re spending too much time/money on data entry and want to mitigate the risks related to manual data entry errors with a more automated process
  • If your organization provides time-critical services and you recognize that delayed processing might affect your ability to deliver/compete

Why would I spend money on an integration?

  • Save valuable time: reduce manual entry of data, errors and error correction
  • Give your organization scalability and better ROI on people expenses with people doing higher strategic work
  • Automate cross-application processes and data flow for data consistency and compliance
  • Improve the candidate experience, leading to quicker process completion and lower applicant drop-off
  • Get more value out of your investment in separate, best-of-fit HR applications